El jueves 15 de febrero de 2024, Intrépida asistió a la Presentación del Estudio InfoAdex de la Inversión Publicitaria en España y, ¡pudimos disfrutar junto a ellos de su 30 aniversario! Para quienes no lo sepan, InfoAdex es una empresa referente en el control e...
XI Edición del Observatorio de Marcas en Redes Sociales
Oct 25, 2023 | home eng, Digital marketing, Intrépidas news
Intrépidos, ¡os contamos nuestra experiencia en la presentación de la XI Edición del Observatorio de Marcas en Redes Sociales! El 3 de octubre de 2023 pudimos asistir a esta presentación de IAB Spain, junto a empresas asociadas como Alkemy, Gestazion y Metricool. Para...
Hola, ¿Te puedo invitar a una copa de datos?
Mar 23, 2023 | home eng, Intrépidas news, Technology
Esta historia ocurre por allá en el año 2090, en una época en la que los humanos pueden adquirir su pareja cibernética ideal; un(a) robot con lo último en inteligencia artificial y machine learning, que se adapta a los intereses de sus dueños de carne y hueso. Para no...
What should you take into account when getting the DIGITAL KIT?
Oct 25, 2022 | Digital marketing, home eng, Intrépidas news, Technology
As you may have already heard, the Government of Spain has launched an initiative, the DIGITAL KIT, to promote the digitization of Spanish companies. SMEs and the self-employed will be able to obtain a digital bonus for an amount to be determined according to the...
Tiempos para mejorar la calidad de servicio y bajar de la rueda de hámster
Oct 19, 2022 | Lifestyle, Intrépidas news
En los tiempos de bonanza económica todo funciona bien. Se aumentan los presupuestos de marketing y todo se vende. Pero, cuando llegan las vacas flacas, es cuando una empresa tiene la oportunidad de demostrar su valía. Pero ¿Cómo podemos mejorar nuestros resultados...
Linktree, the best way to use a multilink
Nov 25, 2021 | Digital marketing, Intrépidas news
Access www.linktr.ee from your computer or mobile device and set up an account with any Instagram account. 2. Once your account is set up, click the “Add new button/link” and start adding all the links you wish to include and their titles: A more detailed bioLast Blog...
Is WhatsApp Business the right choice for you?
Nov 15, 2021 | Digital marketing, Intrépidas news
WhatsApp Business has become the most attractive marketing channel, because it allows Businesses to interact with clients in an efficient manner. Its immediacy and close nature helps promote client loyalty and strengthen the relationship on the long term. Thanks to...
First, we made a Pinterest account for the e-commerce fashion store Pavillion in Burgundy
Sep 16, 2021 | Intrépidas news, Uncategorized
We decided to open a Pinterest account for Pavillion in Burgundy because we wanted to offer a very visual channel for the already existing online community. Besides, that allowed us to get links to the url of every item, which increases the store traffic and the sales...
How to design a strategic marketing plan and not die trying
Sep 7, 2021 | Digital marketing, home eng, Intrépidas news, Marketing and entrepreneurship training
We are back from our vacation with our batteries charged, but in difficult times, let’s face it! You must be clear about how to make a marketing plan and know where you are going. And if it’s too overwhelming, we can help you. Aren't you going to make a marketing...
Why should an SME hire a strategic marketing agency?
Jul 8, 2021 | home eng, Intrépidas news
Marta Vega, Head of Marketing Maxon Motor Ibérica. Small and medium sized companies face many daily challenges against the big corporations competition and our own direct competitors. How do we face those challenges from a marketing standpoint? Because our budget and...
Welcome Intrepid!
Jun 1, 2021 | home eng, Intrépidas news
Intrepid means being fearless who against dangers. And that's just what entrepreneurs, CEOs and managers with people in charge are. An intrepid is a dreamer by nature. Someone who is able to get exposed to whatever it takes to reach his goal. Intrépida says a lot...
Septiembre: Objetivo ilusión
Sep 1, 2016 | Intrépidas news
Aunque para muchos septiembre es un mes de vuelta a la rutina, fin de las vacaciones y "cuesta económica", en Beanet tenemos otra filosofía bastante más positiva. Septiembre es para nosotros el mes de los nuevos proyectos, la puesta en marcha de ideas surgidas del...